CHASE Residents Association

Our Mission Statement
The CHASE Residents Association is a non-profit, non-party-political or sectarian organisation, represented by a volunteer group of residents, interested in maintaining the quality of life and the residential character within Addiscombe by arranging social events and facilitating discussion and communication about neighbourhood issues among residents and raising these with the relevant authorities.
In addition to acting as a local pressure group, the CHASE Residents Association organises several functions for our members and their friends. We want to represent as many of our residents as possible and are therefore arranging events for all age groups. We would love to hear your thoughts on any functions that YOU would like to come to - please contact us.
There is a periodical newsletter to keep you in touch with what is happening and what we are doing. Once a year (normally in May) we hold an AGM that all residents can attend. We also invite our local Councillors and MP and therefore this is a very special opportunity to get together and discuss issues of importance to all of us.
Our street representatives will be happy to talk to you about problems which affect your road in particular and raise the issue/s at our monthly meeting so it can be discussed further and appropriate action taken. We invite any resident to become a committee member and represent a road (you don’t have to live in the particular road) or just help out on ad hoc basis and help the Association.
Membership to CHASE is free and all residents in the CHASE area automatically become members, unless you opt out which you can do via our Contact Us page.